From older blog entry 'Totally Twitterlious' (read while humming 'Minnie the Moocher'):
If you are thinking of following the 'mooching one' on Twitter, here's the run down on her:
1. She loves to eat at everyone else's house except her own.
2. She will talk about your food - to your face, after mooching. Kinda cool if she likes it.
3. She will tell every living being within reach about your wonderful recipe or great restaurant you frequent and encourage them to try it out (so she can experience it again, without cooking it herself).

5. She's never met a free meal she didn't like (in some way). By virtue of it being free and someone else prepared it - What's there not to like?
6. She may have cooking skills of her own, but is way too lazy and moocherlicious to expand them. She's also very critical of her own creations, having burned water way too many times.
7. She's a nerdy geek type that also tweets about tech and writing or publishing. Heaven forbid any of those subjects get mixed up in a free meal at an event or something.

8. She's eventually going to visit your town, so watch out for the knock at the door. Be prepared with wine and pasta. At the very least, have a really cool joint to grub and hang out at that she can blogbrag about.
Up for the challenge? Follow this: dweiums

Cute tweety designed by Mirjami Manninen, an illustrator from Finland, copped from Smashing Magazine.